
GIBANIBB, S.A. de C.V. (hereafter “GIBANIBB”) with address at Calle Medrano No. 2760 Col. San Rafael del Parque, 44810 in Guadalajara city, Jalisco, in strict compliance to the provisions of the Federal Law for Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its Regulation (hereafter “legislation”), informs you that it is responsible for the use, handling, and protection of provided personal data:

What personal data do we collect and use?

In order to fulfill described purposes, you consent to and authorize explicitly and voluntarily that GIBANIBB can collect and use your personal data related to: name, e-mail, phone number, copy of official identification or that of your legal representative, address, RFC, CURP, CLABE number for deposits and registration with SHCP, usage of the website, communication through official e-mails from GIBANIBB, as well as through physical means or any other means that you accept. GIBANIBB agrees to process provided personal data with strict security and confidentiality, in accordance with the current privacy policy.

Personal data is considered sensitive when it affects the intimate sphere of its owner, or whose improper use could result in discrimination or lead to serious risk to the individual. In particular, personal data is considered sensitive when it can reveal certain aspects such as racial origin or ethnicity, previous, current, and future medical conditions; genetic information, religious, philosophical, and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, and sexual preferences. In general, GIBANIBB will refrain from the handling of sensitive personal information. In the event that the owner provides sensitive information, they will do so at their own risk and voluntarily consent. In such cases, the owner must inform GIBANIBB of developments so that they can take necessary security measures. If said sensitive information is not necessary for the reception of a service or product, it will be subject to cancellation processing and the right to be forgotten.

What do we use your data for?

GIBANIBB seeks to have active, clear, and transparent communication with its suppliers and you are hereby informed that your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

a) PRIMARY PURPOSES,necessary for maintaining business relations we have with you:

  • Fulfilling the contract or business relations we maintain with you

  • Opening a case for the supplier or clients in GIBANIBB’s internal purchases area;

  • Fulfillment of administrative/internal processes of GIBANIBB, such as filling out formats and forms;

  • Fulfill compensation derived from our business relations

  • Issuance of fiscal receipts

  • Provision of offered services and products on our website;

  • Information about changes in our products and services;

  • Compliance of GIBANIBB’s internal policies

  • Support for concerns, comments, and complaints that you make to GIBANIBB

  • Guarantee that all your data is correct to pay you properly and comply with necessary provisions in the Fiscal Code of the Federation;

  • Correct identification of your information in databases and contacts, if required.


  • In a secondary way, personal data will be collected with the purpose of soliciting information and carrying out surveys to evaluate service quality and with the aim of market research, customer participation in discounts, follow up in the provision of our services, and eventually sending you advertising and promotional information.

How do we limit and protect your personal data?

GIBANIBB is responsible for the personal data it collects and carries out processing of said personal data in conformity with principles pertaining to legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility, in terms of the provisions of “legislation”. To prevent unauthorized access of your personal data and with the aim of assuring that the information be used only for the established purposes in this privacy policy, GIBANIBB has implemented physical, technical, and administrative security measures that prevent improper disclosure of your data, allowing us to process it in the correct way. These procedures are constantly evaluated and updated by GIBANIBB. Nevertheless, no security or data transfer system that has partial or total dependence on the internet can guarantee that it is completely safe. If GIBANIBB suffers any security breach in any phase of data processing, it is committed to informing you right away through e-mail or other means as well as measures that will be taken in such cases.

Who will we share your data with and for what purpose?

GIBANIBB will refrain from selling and/or lending provided personal data to third parties, with the exception of personal data that it is strictly necessary to transfer to our parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, or related companies, so that we can fulfill business relations that we maintain with you.

To facilitate the use of our website, we use cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be stored in web site visitors’ hard drives. They are used by us to monitor the use of our website and to improve, consequently, the browsing process. Cookies are a benchmark that let us know, for example, if a website has been visited before or if it is a new or recurring visit. The cookies that we use do not store personal data, nor any type of information that can identify you. In case you do not receive cookies, please configure your internet browser so that they are blocked, erased from your computer’s hard drive, or you are informed if they get installed.

How can you exercise your ARCO rights and the right to withdrawal?

At all times you have the right to access your personal data, the right to modify it when it is incorrect; to cancel it when it is excessive or unnecessary and object to specific purposes in respect to the processing of personal data that GIBANIBB performs (ARCO rights); as well as exercising your right to withdraw consent in such cases that by law are applicable to this request.

To exercise any of the ARCO rights and withdrawal of consent, you must submit your request to the following e-mail:, where you will be provided with the corresponding form and requirements to exercise these ARCO rights and the right to withdrawal.

GIBANIBB has at its disposal the procedure and form through which you can exercise your ARCO rights and withdrawal of consent at the website:

If the necessary requirements are met to exercise ARCO and withdrawal rights, GIBANIBB will be subject to the submitted request at your disposal in the course of 20 days after its submission. If the outlined requirements are met, the request will become effective within 15 days after the date of the communication of the response; if the requirements are not met, you will be informed of it in the same timeframe so that they may be met, in this regard you will be granted 20 business days to provide the missing information before which said request will be discarded.

How can I know about modifications to the PRIVACY POLICY?

GIBANIBB reserves the right to modify and update the current privacy policy at any time, which will be announced at prior to its implementation. These updates will be publicly available through the following means: our website, or we will inform you through the last email address that you provided us. A lack of objection to our privacy policy within 5 business days prior to its reception will be understood as acceptance of its established terms.

I consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with this privacy policy.

Gibanibb, S.A. de C.V.
Date of last update: October, 2023

Syrups and Gels